Thursday morning
And then...we have to hurry!! I tidy
up my things and get dressed. A quick breakfast, I am glad I also can
contribute something: 2 small packages of nutella from the day before.
Alexandra is a bit late. She takes
her bike and indicates me the road to take for the city. We hug and our
good-bye is affectionate and cordially.
Once again I feel how fast and
intense bonds can grow in the shortest time.
The street lying before me seems
endless. I feel that today I have no mind to walking and decide to hitchhike. I
only did it once in my schooldays and remember still how frightened I felt to
go with someone I didn´t know.
Today things are different. I am in
the mood for a chat and interesting encounters. Only – nobody stops. I try several
tactics, change the place, but still I am ignored.
Finally I start knocking on the
cars´ window, asking politely to give me a lift. That works, the 4th
knocking is successful and a young woman gives me a lift just into the center
of the city. She lets me out near to the subway station I had arrived first two
days ago.
I want to contact Gabriele, one of the
women who also had offered me a place for the last night. She is a friend of
Kaya, who had offered me the subway-ticket from the airport to Copenhagen City.
Kaya has linked us via facebook and added that Gabriele was German and an
alternative practitioner, just like me. The evening before we had talked
briefly and agreed to meet before I would leave Copenhagen. It had been like
talking to an old friend.

But still no wifi. I follow my
instinct and walk to a large place with halls. In front of them benches and
tables, arranged casually. As it turns out, this is Torvehallerne, the famous
Copenhagen market-halls. Here I have access to free internet, cozily sitting on
a bench, enjoying the warm morning sun. It is round 9:00 am now.
I call Gabriele. She still has to do
and wants to call me back. For me thats fine, it gives me time to find some
food for the day. I have no idea how, but I am confident there will be a
In a flash I realize, where I am
truly here – at the market halls!!!
What a stroke of fate again!

Another merchant arrives with a
cart; crammed with crates full of fruit, ready for the dumpster. He too offers
me to come every morning for the previous days´ leftovers. I chose five
excellent and aromatic pears, just in the perfect state. They are not hard, but
still far away from being soft. What a bliss!
Now just a bit of pastry and I´m
done for today. I walk over to one of the halls, where there are several
I ask for something to eat and tell about my experiment. The shop
assistants explain to me, that every evening they donate all leftovers to
homeless people. I love to hear this. A precious project where everybody benefits from.
When I turn around to walk away, one of
the young women grants me quickly a small pastry-roll.
All the stands in is Torvehallerne
are decorated beautifully, it is pure pleasure to have walk around and just look.
In front of a stand with artisan
chocolate I stop and enjoy watching their accurate designed pralines. Surely
sometimes one of them is not perfect or breaks, could be, couldn´t it? I kindly
ask, introducing myself and my project.
The manger at first is reluctant,
then she likes my story and gives me a package with four gingerbreads of finest
quality. They were supposed to be round, but in this package there are two round
and two oval-shaped and she cannot sell it.
I thank her for this delicacy and
return to one of the tables in the sun of the forecourt. A look at my watch
tells me that in less than 20 minutes I had gotten together enough food for the
whole day.
To be continued.
Please share, if you like my story!
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